
Since 2000, Imperial Estates have cornered the growing market to adapt to the influx of people moving to South London. Imperial Estates has grown with demand, offering a professional service to all our clients, including those wishing to sell their properties.

Valuations for fire insurance purposes, probate, matrimonial matters, compulsory purchase, taxation can be provided. All these can be undertaken by our Chartered Surveyors. Fees for Valuation Reports are related to the purchase price, or the estimated value of the property. Our Professional Services have our own scale of fees.

A Building Survey Report is a detailed appraisal of the condition of the fabric of the building. It is not a Structural Engineers Report. The report will advise on the condition and state of repair of the visible parts of the building. It will describe the method of construction, where visible, detail any defects which are apparent at the time of inspection, and indicate the need for remedying such defects. These reports are particularly appropriate for larger and older properties (Pre-1900)

The Homebuyer report is designed for properties built since the 1930’s, of traditional nature, and gives a general view as to the condition of the property. The report highlights defects, but gives no further information. It is not a structural survey, but can be used for valuation purposes.

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