
Welcome to St. Lucia
Simply beautiful

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Location - 14º N 61º W
Capital - Castries
Area - 238 square miles
Population - 140,000 (approx.)
Official Language - English with Patois widely spoken
 Currency - The Eastern Caribbean dollar EC$. Expected exchange rate US$1.00 = EC$2.60-2.70.
 Climate - Average temperature of 84ºF (28ºC).
St. Lucia, "the Helen of the West Indies" is located in the Windward Islands and offers a kaleidoscope of rich culture and history, mountainous rainforests, thick emerald vegetation and vibrant wildlife. Created from an underwater volcano, St. Lucia affords a stunning variety of coral, sponge and marine life.

With Gordon & Keenes International you can tap into a colourful, unique mixture of history, culture and unprecedented simplicity and beauty. Our collaborations with local agents and developers ensure that we bring to you some of the best collection of properties and developments that St. Lucia has in store.

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